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Homeopathy is a treatment method invented by the German physician Samuel Hanman (1896). The underlying principle of this treatment method is that the same medicine is applied to the body of a healthy person, the same medicine is applied to a sick person, the same medicine works to cure the symptoms of a sick person.

The homeopathic medicine Hahnemann proposed is based on this theory. However, scientific reviews have shown that the use of homeopathic medicines does not cause any physical changes; However, in some cases, taking the medicine may bring peace to the patient's mind. This is why homeopathic medicine is considered a "placebo" and scientists call homeopathic medicine pseudoscience.

Hahnemann believed that at the root of all illnesses was a reaction called "mesosoma" and that homeopathic remedies were effective in relieving mesos. Typically, certain products are diluted regularly to make homeopathic medicines by dissolving in alcohol or falling water. This reduction is done so many times that even the molecular amount of the initial product does not remain in the mixture at the end.

Relevant scientific knowledge related to physics, chemistry, biochemistry and biology from the middle of the nineteenth century is the opposite of homeopathy.

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