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Set (mythology)

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Set is the god of Chaos and the brother of Osiris.

Being jealous of his brother Set would construct a plot to get rid of Osiris and make him king of the gods. He would host a party consisting of multiple gods and deities including Osiris, then he made a bet that whoever could fit into a chest perfectly would get it. While the other gods failed Osiris would mange to fit into the chest perfectly. Just then Set would lock the chest with Osiris still inside ad throw it into the river. His plan succeeding Set would become the new king if the gods. He would however notice that the goddess Isis would attempt to resurrect Osiris and would respond to this by chopping Osiris up and spreading his body through the nile. This would lead to Isis failing to properly revive Osiris and Set would continue to rule for many years until he got defeated by Osiris’ son Horus, a gif he would have many conflicts with thereafter.