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Armor is basically protective gear that people wear to keep themselves safe in dangerous situations, like battles or fights. It's been around for centuries and comes in all different shapes and sizes, but the main idea is to protect your body from getting hurt.

Back in the old days – think knights and dragons – armor was made of metal and covered the whole body. Knights wore suits of armor made of steel or iron plates, with helmets to protect their heads and shields to block attacks. It was heavy and clunky, but it did a pretty good job of keeping them safe in battle.

These days, armor looks a bit different. Instead of metal plates, we have things like bulletproof vests made of Kevlar, which are worn by police officers and soldiers to protect them from gunfire. There are also helmets and body armor worn by motorcyclists and athletes for protection during high-impact activities.

But armor isn't just for fighting or dangerous jobs – sometimes it's also worn for fun! Ever seen someone dressed up as a superhero or a knight in shining armor for Halloween? That's another way people use armor – as part of costumes or cosplay.

So, whether it's for protection in a dangerous situation or just for fun and dressing up, armor is all about keeping you safe and feeling confident, no matter what you're up against.