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Mantua (in Italian: Mantova) is a small city in north Italy.

It is a province of the Lombardia region.

His patron is Sant'Anselmo di Baggio.

Is a city with 49.308 habitant (2016) and the mayor is Mattia Palazzi.

His habitant they are called Mantovani or Virgiliani. They are Italian.

It has four lakes: Lake Superior, Lake Inferior, Lake of Median and Lake Paiolo.

It has one small river: river Mincio.

Flag/seal[edit | edit source]

Bandiera di Mantova

The flag it is: white, red, light blue, pink and black.

Places to visit (for artistical, historical and scientific interests, for entertainment and fun)[edit | edit source]

His palaces and squares are:piazza sordello,piazza delle erbe, palazzo te, basilica di sant'andrea,tower of the clock, house of rigoletto, tower of the cage, basilica palatina of santa barbara, park of the science, rotunda of san lorenzo, house of giulio romano and palace of the podestà.

Gastronomy = a particular dish[edit | edit source]

The main typical dishes of Mantova are:pumpkin tortelli, tagliatelle, pumpkin gnocchi, capunsei, Risotto alla pilota, seasoned with pork salamella. Risotto with puntèl, seasoned with salamella, ribs or pork chop. Risotto with frogs, seasoned with clean frogs, oil and onion.

Notes[edit | edit source]

Bibliography[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]