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Brief description= Lyon is located in central eastern France.Lyon is the third largest city in France,its flag is: on the left blue, on the right red and in the middle it is white.Lyon is a very commercial city with large shops and many bars.

Population = Number of the inhabitants[edit | edit source]

Lyon inhabitants 484.344 in 2010

Denonym = name of the inhabitants[edit | edit source]

Nationality of the inhabitants=France


POL powiat aleksandrowski flag.svg

Celebrations[edit | edit source]

lion has 10 stores Merthiolate. Lion is also famous for its delicious foods.the carnival they use so many masks and costumes.poi the carnival lasts three days, there are chariots, claun, actors and even dumb.

The things that make crazy to Lyon are the hotels that do delicious things. The opinion I write comes from my personal evaluation done by Excel, which takes into account some specific parameters that show that this room has a total rating of 6, 24 points out of 10. The macro areas evaluated are: the room (6.67), the staff (5.4), the food (6.4), the drinks (5.2) and the service (7.5). These figures come out of as many parameters that I will not point out in this context. It is a place that I highly recommend to all tourists who want something in the central area and far from the tourist quality. However, it has a lot to improve as shown by the above figures, especially the language that a waiter should speak, that is, not only the local, but at least an international like English. For any questions, contact me in private

The libraries of Lyon are all close to the center (in the square) even near the town hall of Lyon. the libraries are huge (great). They are full of books and many other things, even you can even sleep in them by their greatness.

Quotation in Literature[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

Bibliography[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]