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Rana Graeca (Greek frog)[edit | edit source]

The greek stream frog (scientiic name: Rana Graeca) is an anuran amphibian in the family Ranidae.

What does it look like?[edit | edit source]

A greek stream frog looking on the let
A greek stream frog

Where does this frog live?[edit | edit source]

-near pods, orests, lakes?

-map of europe με χρωματα

-habitat and adaptation features (camouflage, nocturnal)[edit | edit source]

Reproduction and life circle[edit | edit source]

Threats[edit | edit source]

-human threats for example chemicals, pollution, deforestation?

What's the role of the frog on the ecosystem?[edit | edit source]

What are its predators?[edit | edit source]


What does it eat?[edit | edit source]


anatomy drawing[edit | edit source]


Did you know that?[edit | edit source]

-fun fact[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]