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The Bahamas

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The Bahamas

Flag of The Bahamas

Official languages
13.878 km²
Unitary parliamentary, constitutional monarchy
372,000 (2017)
Time zone
Bahamian dollar
Demonym Bahamian
Monarch Current

The Bahamas, or Commonwealth of The Bahamas is an independent, English-speaking country in the Caribbean. The name is derived from the Spanish words Baja Mar (shallow sea).

Geography[edit | edit source]

The Bahamas consist of an archipelago of 700 islands and cays 2000 (or keys = sand/coral plates), which is located in the Atlantic Ocean, East of the State of Florida, North of Cuba and Haiti, and West of the British Turks and Caicos Islands. The country has more than 300,000 inhabitants on an area of 13,878 km² (similar to the surface of the Flemish region).

Of all the Islands there are only 30 to 40 inhabited. The largest island is Andros on about 180 kilometers southeast of Florida. The Bimini Islands are located to the Northwest of it. To the North is Grand Bahama with the second-largest city: Freeport. Great Abaco is located east of. The second largest island of Great Inagua is located in the South. Other islands include Eleuthera, Cat, San Salvador, Acklins, Crooked Island and Mayaguana.

The underwater world of the Bahamas is known for its wealth of large predatory fish including many species of shark. Presumably makes the variation of sandy bottoms, coral reefs, mangrove forests and the warm Gulf stream from the Atlantic Ocean the seas around the Islands an ideal habitat for these fish. There is also no question of large-scale industrial pollution of sea water.

History[edit | edit source]

The Bahamian Parliament

Around 700 Taínoindianen migrated from Hispaniola to the Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands. They developed their own culture, left their archaeological traces after and called themselves the Lucayans. On October 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus landed on one of the Islands (possibly this was the island of San Salvador) with which the discovery of America. The Spaniards colonized the Islands but claimed most Taíno's off as slaves to the Americas.

In 1648 a group of English purteinen to the Bahamas that the Eleutheran Adventurers. Under the leadership of William Sayle they mined the island of Eleuthera. In 1670 Charles II of England gave permission to the Islands. There was a small town built on the island of New Providence was a small town built, called Charles Town.

In 1703, at the time of the war of the Spanish Succession was made a Spanish-French attack on Charles Town. The city was plundered and burned down. In 1706 was made an attack again. From that moment began a period of anarchy and the Bahamas known as Blackbeard the pirate Republic where, among others, Charles Vane, Mary Read, Anne Bonny, Calico Jack and Benjamin Hornigold the Beguinage. They used a code that was called the pirate code. in 1718 was the former privateer Woodes Rogers as Governor appointed. He gave most pirates grace and managed to restore order. He left the capital, rebuilt largely at his own expense and named it henceforth Nas

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