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Panoramic view of Málaga

Málaga is a city in southern Spain, in the region (Autonomous Community) of Andalusia and in the province of Málaga. The city itself has a population of over 570.000 people, but its metropolitan area accounts almost one million inhabitants, making it one of the most important cities of Spain. It is well-known for being a tourist hotspot, as it lies on the Costa del Sol, and only 100 kilometers away from the Strait of Gibraltar.

Málaga is also the place of birth of internationally famous people, such as Pablo Picasso (painter and sculptor), Antonio Banderas (actor), as well as politicians and philosophers. In terms of economic performance, Málaga stands out for being the first industrial city in Spain during the Industrial Revolution. Today, it is one of the most economically active cities in Spain.

Málaga enjoys a Mediterranean climate, with over 2900 hours of sunshine per year. Winters are mild and summers are tempered by its proximity to the sea. Summers and dry and most rainfall occurs between November and March.

Geography[edit | edit source]

Málaga is located in southern Spain. It lies on the Costa del Sol, on the Mediterranean Sea. The city is at the feet of the Montes de Maálaga. Actually, the higest elevation of this mountain range is 3385 feet above the sea the level.

Hisotry[edit | edit source]

Málaga is an old city, dating from the 8th centrury BC, when it was founded as a Phoenician colony, at that time known as Malaka. After the Punic Wars, Romans took over the city. A Roman theatre was built in the city. Once the Roman Empire fell down, several Germanic tribes ruled the city, noteworthy the Visigoths. In an attempt to rebuild the Empire, emperor Justinian I conquered the city. From 550 to 621, Málaga was part of the Byzantine Empire, but Visigoths finally took control of the city again. This situation remained until the Iberian Peninsula was conquered by moors, who vanquished the former settlers.

External links[edit | edit source]