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Interail or Eurail is a type of train ticket. Someone can use the train ticket in the whole of Europe on many different trains. A passenger can use an unlimited number of trains during a certain period. Another option is getting a pass for one's own country. For some trains such as the Eurostar, there is an extra charge. An adult ticket includes one or two children under age 12.

Example: Ticket for three days in the month of July : Use the ticket on the fourth of July, the sixth of July and the tenth of July.

Interail or Eurail[edit | edit source]

Interail is for people who live in Europe. Eurail is for people traveling from outside Europe.The price is lower for Interail.

Excepted countries[edit | edit source]

Interail / Eurail is not valid in all countries. The countries that do not accept Interail are :