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Hanover (German: Hannover) is a city in Germany. It is de capital of Lower Saxony.

Population = Number of the inhabitants[edit | edit source]

The inhabitants are: 518 088  (in 2008)

Nationality of the inhabitants[edit | edit source]


Flag/seal[edit | edit source]

hannover map

Monuments/places[edit | edit source]

The monumets of the hannover are: The Royal garden Herrenhausen, The New town hall, the Leine(River), The Hannover zoo

Nickname (for example Paris is called "the City of Light")[edit | edit source]

The original name of the city of Hannover is Honovere may mean "hight (river) bank"

History[edit | edit source]

Hannover was founded in medieval times on the east bank of the River Leine. Hannover was a small village of ferrymen and fishermen that became a comparatively large town in the 13th century due to its position at a natural crossroads. Its position on the upper navigable river helped it to grow by increasing trade. In the 14th century the main churches of Hannover were built, as well as a city wall with three city gates.

internal link[edit | edit source]


Coat of arms of Germany.svg Germany Portal — All articles about Germany.