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In Greek mythology, Ganymede is the cupbearer of the gods. This is the person who serves the heavenly drink and food, nectar and ambrosia, to the gods on Mount Olympus.

Legend[edit | edit source]

The former cupbearer of the gods was Hebe, goddess of youth until she tripped and spilled the nectar and ambrosia. Everybody found it funny except Zeus: he thought that if she spilled this once she was not worthy of being the cupbearer. Zeus started a search for a worthy person to serve the gods their food. One day he spotted a beautiful young man, Ganymede, who was a prince of Troy. So Zeus turned into an eagle and picked him up and flew him to Olympus.

When Ganymede started being the cupbearer of the gods, he and Zeus fell in love. This was very infuriating for Hera, Zeus' wife.

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