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Adam and Eve

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According to the Bible and the Koran, Adam and Eve were the first human beings created by God.

According to the story, God created Adam from mud and breathed life into him. Later, God puts Adam to sleep, removes his rib, and uses it to create Eve, the first woman.

The serpent tempting Adam and Eve (the painter represents it with feet, since God has not yet punished it to having to crawl)

Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden, an idyllic place where they did not have to work, since there were all kinds of trees from which they could eat. God only forbade them to eat from a tree, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, warning them that if they tried it they would die. However, a talking snake tricks them into believing that eating the fruit would make them like gods, so they are tempted and take it. They immediately lose their innocence, realize that they are naked and cover themselves with some vine leaves. God realizes that they have disobeyed him and punishes Adam and Eve, expelling them from paradise and forcing them to work. He also condemns the snake to having to crawl from then on.

The Bible mentions three of their sons: Cain, Abel, and Seth.