Vikidia currently has 4,647 articles. Improve it!

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From Vikidia, the encyclopedia for 8 to 13-year-old children that everybody can make better
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An article is a page at Vikidia which includes information. There now 4,647 articles at Vikidia.

How to search for an article?[edit | edit source]

Finding an article is easy. At the top of the page you can see Search on your right. You can type the subject you're searching for there (for example the word "Dog"). If you click on the magnifying glass or click at enter on your keyboard you go to the page you looking for (in this case "Dog").

How do I make an article?[edit | edit source]

Sometimes there is not an article about the subject you are looking for. Then you're invited to create this article. At this page you can see or the article exist or not, cause sometimes an article has another name than you haved searched for. At this page you can make an new article.

How do I improve an article?[edit | edit source]

Sometimes there is an article, but it's short and hasn't got very much information. You're welcome to expand this article content.

At the top of the page you can see the words Edit source: click on those words, expand and improve the article, then save the page. Other readers can now read your information.

Use the same mean to improve articles in terms of

  • language. Correct spelling, clarify some words or choose better ones...
  • complexity and structure. Articles should be kept simple enough for 8 to 13 year old children. A good structure with well-thought headings is definitely a must.
  • format and illustrations. Keep paragraphs short. Use bullet lists where appropriate. Emphasize some words in bold. Add a couple of images to illustrate the article.
  • connection to other articles. Add links on the article pointing towards other articles and reverse (links towards the article into some other articles). Categorize the article and link it to a portal.