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Polandball, also known as countryballs, is an internet phenomenon generated by users who have their beginners on / int / parts of in the second half of 2009. The phenomenon is manifested through a large number of online comics featuring they portray countries in the form of ball-shaped personalities who speak very poor English and ridicule national stereotypes and international relations. This advice is called Polandball (even if Poland is not among the actors) and countryball (i.e. Collective countryballs).

Polandball[edit | edit source]

Polandball draws its roots from the ‘cyber-war’ in September 2009 between Polish internet users and the rest of the world taking place on These pages, which offer a virtual round canvas, allow their users to draw on them whatever they want, but also to draw over existing drawings of other users. On the Polish internet space, the idea came to draw a Polish flag over a round canvas on, and thousands of Poles managed to download the canvas, painting it white in red with the words "POLSKA" in the middle. After coordination on 4chan, this drawing was covered with a huge swastika. is an imageboard in German whose / int / part is visited by netizens who use English. The beginning of the Polaally troll Wojak, a Pole from the same section who used very poor English. After that, the comics Polandball were created with a lot of enthusiasm by the Russians.

The assumption of Polandball, which gained popularity during the accident in Smolensk in which Polish President Lech Kaczyński was killed, is to present Poland and its history, relations with other countries and stereotypes, focusing on Poland megalomania and national complexes. Interactions between countryballs are mostly written in very poor English and internet slang, reminiscent of the Lolcat phenomenon, and at the end of each comic Poland, which is intentionally drawn with red above and white below (opposite to the actual Polish flag), ends crying.

Some Polandball comics are created on the assumption that Russia can fly into space, while Poland cannot. One of the most popular Polandball comics starts with the assumption that the planet Earth will soon be hit by a huge meteor, which leads to all countries with developed space technology leaving the Earth and entering orbit around it. At the end of the comic, Poland, still on the surface of the Earth, cries and utters the canonical phrase of Polandball "Poland cannot into space" in very bad English. In this witty way, the Russians bring to an end all discussion with the Poles about whose country is superior. In another Polandball comic that digs into historical-political satire, Poland seems to annoy other countryballs, but with its statement "When we broke Russia and the Turks we were the biggest country in the world ... and ..." he cites others countryballe to openly laugh at her. Poland, now irritated, utters "kurwa" and raises a sign that reads "Internet serious business", which is an internet slogan used to ridicule others who treat certain topics with contempt and in the true tradition of Polandball ends in crying .